August 28, 2024 - Developer secrets

Product Hunt Dev

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Store your developer secrets

Managing application secrets has always been a challenging aspect of software development, often involving a mix of insecure practices and cumbersome tools. Phase is stepping in to change that. Unlike other tools that might add complexity, Phase offers an open-source, straightforward approach to securely handling secrets throughout the development lifecycle.

Phase isn’t just another secrets manager—it's designed with fast-moving engineering teams in mind, ensuring that security doesn’t slow down the pace of development. With Phase, you can effortlessly encrypt and share secrets across your team, all while maintaining the highest levels of security from development to production.

What really sets Phase apart is its developer-friendly design. The platform makes it easy to integrate secure practices into your existing workflows, whether you’re working solo or as part of a larger team.


AI pair programming

You've probably noticed AI copilots popping up everywhere, helping with everything from writing code to handling spreadsheets. Now, there's Hey!, a new AI tool designed specifically for the command line. This open-source assistant integrates seamlessly into your terminal, offering context-aware help exactly when you need it—whether you're troubleshooting a bug or need advice on a command.

What makes Hey! unique is its ability to keep you focused by delivering support without leaving your terminal. You can ask it questions, get suggestions, and even have it tell you a joke to break up the monotony of a long coding session. It’s not just about solving problems but enhancing your overall coding experience by making your workflow smoother and more enjoyable.

The goal of Hey! is to keep you in your zone, minimizing the need to bounce between different tools and resources.


  • Ragie is a fully managed RAG-as-a-Service built for developers, offering easy-to-use APIs/SDKs and instant connectivity to Google Drive, Notion, and more.

  • Kypso is a platform for software teams to manage and automate their processes with AI. You can use the Code Reviewer agent to automatically review code, summarize pull requests, and more.

Back-end and Server-side

  • Fleak AI lets you build complex model chaining data workflows in minutes with a dynamic API builder.

  • Evidently is an open-source framework to evaluate, test and monitor AI-powered apps.

DevOps and Productivity

  • CodeBrisk is a platform for developers that lets them store all their important and lengthy code snippets in one place for easy finding and sharing.

  • Kops lets you streamline operations with unified tools for deployment, centralized management, and real-time observability.

  • Helicone AI is an LLM observability platform for monitoring, debugging and improving your AI apps.

Until next week

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