June 26th, 2024 - Nightmare fuel

Today’s newsletter is brought to you by WorkOS

Product Hunt Dev

👋 Hey there, welcome back to Product Hunt’s dev tools newsletter. Sarah’s out on a much deserved vacation this week so filling in is me, Aaron. In today’s edition we’re covering a tool that helps SQL users focus on what matters, a new SDK for implementing multiplayer features into your app, a robot that has human skin, and of course some tools.


Never misplace an SQL query again

Since you’re reading the developer tools newsletter, I think it’s fair to assume you’re a developer or you’re on your way to becoming a developer. If you dabble in SQL, you might know the feeling of ‘misplacing‘ an SQL query, not knowing where it is at the exact time you need it most.

Sherloq is a new developer platform that aims to solve exactly that. It’s being billed as a collaborative AI repository for SQL users. It gathers all your ad-hoc SQL queries into one place for easy retrieval.

With the AI SQL repo plug-in, you can collaboratively manage, save, and share your SQL code, without leaving your IDE.

According to co-founder Nadav Gutman, Sherloq is all about reclaiming SQL users time to focus on what actually matters: analyzing data and extracting valuable insights to benefit the product.


You want those enterprise customers, but are you ready for them?

The building blocks to become Enterprise Ready are already here, through WorkOS. It's a modern identity platform built for B2B SaaS companies, with flexible and easy-to-use APIs to meet the needs of enterprise customers faster.

WorkOS brings a modular approach to B2B auth, with enterprise features like SSO, SCIM, and User Management. The APIs are designed to provide an effortless experience from your first user through to your largest customer.

It's free for up to 1 million MAUs and hundreds of high-growth scale-ups like Vercel, Webflow, and Loom are already using WorkOS.


Making multiplayer collaboration easier

One of the features that is still notoriously difficult to implement is real-time collaboration. The cursors and comments of your teammates in your Figma design that you might take for granted is no small feat, and in today’s remote work world, reliable, real-time collaboration is critical to any team software. 

Liveblocks is a platform built to make it easier to implement these features. It was founded by Steven Fabre and Guillaume Salles in 2021 as a live presence API showing which team members were viewing a document. Since then, it has raised $5 million in seed funding to expand its capabilities, and the team just launched a new update.

So what’s new? Since its initial launch, the team has doubled down on its efforts to become an all-in-one collaboration suite for your products. The latest update expands beyond live presence functionality to include more complex features like real-time text editing, live commenting, and real-time notifications when your team makes edits or suggestions. 

It also ships with “Realtime APIs,” so if something is missing that your team can’t live without, you can build it with the Liveblocks service.



🙂 Nightmare fuel: No, no, no. I’m not okay with this. Giving robots human-like appearances is nothing new, but covering their “face“ in actual living skin and then making it smile? Big uncanny valley vibes. Thanks, Science, I didn’t need to sleep tonight — or ever again for that matter.

In reality, our future robot pals won’t be rocking human skin, at least, not anytime soon. This was an experiment conducted by the University of Tokyo and published in the Cell Reports Physical Science journal.



  • AiTerm is an AI terminal that is designed to assist developers and command-line users. It simplifies the process by converting natural language into executable commands

  • Devv is a developer-centric, AI-powered search tool. It enhances developer productivity by combining LLMs with real-time data from Stack Overflow, GitHub, and DevDocs for accurate, up-to-date answers

  • AI-Flow is an open-source platform that enables you to connect multiple AI models effortlessly using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

  • SQLPilot is an AI-first SQL editor that helps you write SQL queries in natural language by connecting to the database source and directly mentioning the context in the prompt.


  • Dualite 2.0 lets you export your Figma design into usable code in a matter of minutes. The latest update can generate high-quality and reusable components for developers, while Page Mode converts userflows and pages to code. 

Back-end and Server-side

  • Dev Task Tracker is a chrome extension designed specifically for web developers! You can manage your tasks directly within your localhost, at the same time that you’re debugging an app.  

  • Mock Maker is a tool for quickly creating reliable mock APIs. Essential for today's fast-paced development, it enables efficient testing and prototyping.


  • Doxify lets you create clear, concise, and engaging API documentation with an interactive tool. It can help boost developer adoption, simplify maintenance to unlock the potential of your APIs.

  • Nestless Code ensures you don’t fall into the pyramid of dooming when it comes to nesting code by using one fun trick. The more you nest, the smaller the font gets. The less you nest, the longer your code remains readable. 

  • Flox empowers you to quickly build reproducible, cross-platform development or application environments—without containers. It’s based on a simple declarative framework. 

Until next week

Written by Aaron O’Leary.

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