June 20th, 2024 - Dev-in-the-loop AI

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Product Hunt Dev

👋 Hey there, welcome back to Product Hunt’s dev tools newsletter. Love it or hate it, we’ve got a lot of AI stuff today. Warp launched a new AI agent, and there were a few big model launches over the last week, so don’t forget to make your way down to the bottom for those, if it suits you. Also, if you’re a maker in this space, we’ve got another AI demo night coming up in SF on Monday. Check it out.


A different approach to the “AI developer”

A few months ago, the launch of Devin by Cognition had everyone talking about how AI was going to replace developers. So far, those claims haven’t panned out, but of course, we’re still going to see startups pushing this idea. Unsurprisingly (to me, at least), builders have come around to the idea of AI that works with developers, instead of replacing them.

Warp, the Rust-based terminal, took a new shot at this (after first launching Warp AI chat in March), and what the team came up looks more like a feedback loop between AI and devs rather than an “AI developer.”

Warp calls it Agent Mode, activated when you start typing plain English on the command line. It can suggest code, give outputs to guide you, and even execute tasks for you, but importantly, it will ask for more context when needed and request you to run commands to get that information.

The agent can also follow along in your terminal to make tailored recommendations based on your environment. And since Agent Mode executes tasks through the CLI, “it integrates with practically any service with zero configuration. If the service has a CLI, an API, or publicly available docs, you can use Agent Mode for the task. Agent Mode has inherent knowledge of most public CLIs, and you can easily teach it how to use internal CLIs by asking it to read their help content.”


You want those enterprise customers, but are you ready for them?

The building blocks to become Enterprise Ready are already here, through WorkOS. It's a modern identity platform built for B2B SaaS companies, with flexible and easy-to-use APIs to meet the needs of enterprise customers faster.

WorkOS brings a modular approach to B2B auth, with enterprise features like SSO, SCIM, and User Management. The APIs are designed to provide an effortless experience from your first user through to your largest customer.

It's free for up to 1 million MAUs and hundreds of high-growth scale-ups like Vercel, Webflow, and Loom are already using WorkOS.


Making remote services feel local

If you’re not yet familiar with mirrord, it’s a remote/local development tool for Kubernetes. Mirrord “lets developers work locally while their process ‘thinks’ it is running remotely on the cluster.” You can run, test, and debug code in the cloud from the IDE or CLI without going through Docker Build, CI, and deployment for every little change.

Now mirrord has launched Teams to make its product usable for teams and enterprise… so security, user management, and collaboration features. While that doesn’t usually excite me, it’s a noteworthy feature set for mirrord. “The end state it enables is for all developers in the organization to test continuously and concurrently against the Staging environment, all without interrupting each other or affecting the cluster,” explained CTO Eyal Bukchin.

Check it out here, including a few user questions about how mirrord handles scale and concurrent debugging of the same pod.


Programmatic SEO is the process of quickly creating a very large number of pages on your website, often using a data source and landing pages, to allow your website to rank for a very large number of keyword phrases without manually creating a ton of blog posts. In the age of AI, more startups than ever are talking about pSEO and wondering if it can be a growth mechanism.

Nate Matherson wrote what I think is an A+ Beginner’s Guide to Programmatic SEO, which you can find on the Product Hunt blog. Nate is the co-founder and CEO of Positional, a modern platform for SEO and content marketing. He’s been through YC twice (including with Positional) and has scaled content marketing channels to hundreds of thousands of visitors per month for companies in both B2C and B2B SaaS.


🗡️ IMO, one of the best things about lightsabers is that it’s really hard to make a realistic one. But the YouTubers of the channel HeroTech took on the challenge and made one that looks pretty darn good and actually extends/retracts using a flexible 12 V LED strip and a magician’s cane. Watch.

🙈 wdyt, is this the worst website ever?



  • Runway launched Gen-3 Alpha, which “excels at human characters and their actions, gestures, and emotions.” Read more. 

  • Dream Machine by Luma (backed by a16z and Nvidia) is a text-to-video model that outperforms Sora with 120 frames of video in around 120 seconds.

  • MARS5 TTS from CAMB.AI is an open-source, text-to-speech model, even for “extremely tough prosodic scenarios.”

  • Eleven Labs dropped a Video to Sound Effects API - you can upload any video and add AI-generated sound effects to it.


  • The Theme Buddy Figma Plugin lets you easily export and import theme settings from Figma to code.

  • rnbw is a modern code editor built for designers who code and coders with a flair for design.

  • DynaUi is a UI-component library for animated websites.

  • i18nlocale translates your app's content into multiple languages, locally with in-browser translations.

Back-end and Server-side

  • Ophiuchi lets you setup localhost SSL proxy in seconds.

  • JustDeploy is an automation template enabling you to deploy to your server in minutes and control your costs.

  • SQL Workbench lets you query remote CSV, JSON, Parquet, and Arrow data sources, plus local files, directly from a browser for free.

  • NixBus offers secure, robust, and efficient event bus over HTTP to accelerate your event-driven development.

  • DevDojo Auth is an open-source authentication package for your Laravel app, which includes fully customizable pages.

  • Hanko launched Passkeys to integrate passkeys into apps.

SDKs, APIs, Code Bundles


  • LayerOps is a centralized platform for multi & hybrid cloud management.

  • ALTO is an app for Slack that sends reminders for merge and pull requests, DORA metrics, and more.

Until next week

Written by Sarah Wright.

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